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Feb. 20, 2005: Private forum post, that has been released anonymously:

I would like to let our forum members know about the plight that our long time friend Denny, is currently going through.

Most of you know Denny from his posts. He has been a valuable, longstanding member here at **. Even though he is fighting against severe physical disability's, he always has a good word, and a heart of gold. he has always shown more concern for others, than himself. Denny has always been a gentlemen and a friend to all the people here he has talked to.

Denny has MS, as well as a rare neurological disorder that has caused severe brain lesions. And a number of related blood disorders. Sometimes Denny is almost paralyzed, sometimes he is ravaged with myolconic spasms that can tear muscle and snap bones. This man lives with more pain and stress in each day, than most of us could cope with in a lifetime.

Yet through all this adversity, Denny has proved to be one of the strongest toughest people I have ever met. Despite the disabilities he is so hugely encumbered with, Denny has not only continued to grow his own meds,but has also taken his battle to get a medical license to the courts, to the surgeon general,and to the very heart of government. Denny, with all his debilitating issues,is the greatest "Activist" any of us could ever hope to meet.

If no where else, cannabis has proved to be the only saving grace here, the only medicine that the "teams" of specialists that Denny has worked with, have refused to grant him,yet the only medicine that controls his stress, and therefor gives him back control of his body.

After years of struggle, Denny was finally granted his license just last week. He is only awaiting the official paperwork to come through. A victory of epic proportion, against adversity that would have crushed the best of us.

Now, to the day at hand. And a dark cold day it is indeed!

A few days ago, Denny received a phone call from a neighbor with a complaint about some minor thing or other. This neighbor continued to berate Denny on the phone until the stress became too much to cope with,a nd he hung up. Realizing he was stressed to the point of bringing on more extremely painful muscle spasms, upset Denny so bad, that in a fit of rage, he tossed a kitchen stool, and ended up breaking his living room window. Next thing you know, this same neighbor phones the RCMP on Denny, citing a disturbing the peace complaint.

Although Denny lives in a different town, for some reason it was the Kelowna RCMP who showed up at Denny's door. Seeing the physical state that Denny was in, they immediately had him taken to the hospital. While Denny was in hospital, these gestapo agents proceeded to search Denny's home. Of course they found his grow room. Denny was between crops, and didn't have even so much as a clone. Yet Sgt. Stadenco and his Keystone cops, proceeded to tear down the room and seize all the gear. They also found the last couple of ounces of Denny's cannabis meds, and stole that as well. Then as a final act of sheer ignorance, this same RCMP officer phoned BC Hydro,and had the power to Denny's house cut off. Denny was not stealing power. He had a professionally wired three light room. Yet this gun toting Nazi of the Kelowna RCMP, left word with Hydro, that Denny's power was not to be reinstated without clearance from the head Pig.

So with outside temps barely peaking at the freezing mark, Denny is returned to his cold dark home. No charges have been laid, no warrants, no writ of search and seizure...nothing but the will of some neo-nazi determined to make cops live up to their nick-name of PIGS!

Neither Denny, nor his lawyer have been able to convince hydro to reinstate his power. And to top it off, with only $2000 remaining to pay on his mortgage, Denny is in grave danger of losing his house. After 24 years of struggling to pay for a home on a limited disability pension, this amazing person we know as Denny, may lose it all,because of the incomprehensible act of a public servant who relies on tax payers like Denny for his very existence.

We do have reason to believe there may be more to this malicious act then immediately meets the eye. The fact that an RCMP was dispatched from a city outside of the jurisdiction of the so called"crime" is an example of this.

Denny has brought his fight to be allowed his meds, through all levels of law and medicine. Along the way, as he slowly gained victory's at each level, he has made both friends and enemy's. One of these not so friendly battles, did take place in Kelowna.

Why else would they seize grow equipment,when there was no cannabis? Without a warrant,and without laying charges? How can the bastardly cold-hearted act of disconnecting a mans heat in the dead of winter be justified? And how do you continue to enforce such a ridiculous act, when no crime has been committed, and no charges laid? There is indeed more to this sickening event than meets the eye. Denny continues, with the aid of his Lawyer, to try and correct this wrongful situation, but so far, to no avail.

Denny is currently staying with some friends. he has enough meds for about another week or so, and no room to start a new crop. My brother **** is going to see that we get enough meds up to him, to get him through, no problems there. We do take care of our friends, and anyone that has gotten to know Denny, would call him friend.

First I would like to thank all of you that have taken the time to read this thread. I realize that it is somewhat long winded, but I feel a great wrath, when the rights of one so deserving our help and compassion are completely brutalized in such an inhuman fashion. The most important thing at this point, that we can see ,is to ensure that Denny, license in hand, will be able to reset his grow-room to it's original state, and again have the capabilities to supply what may be, the only medicine that keeps this great human alive. We would like to see if we can get a fund going for Denny, to resupply him with equipment, plants etc for his room, and perhaps even more importantly, try and save his house.I will be discussing the details of this with my brother, later today, and will post our thoughts on how to accomplish this.

So for anyone of you who have read this, we are asking for your compassion on this humble attempt to help a great activist, and amazing person. Denny has helped to set precedent that is going to help everyone in the medical movement, and has done so while being plagued with pain and discomfort that would send the strongest of us to absolute despair.

I thank you all for your time. As you go through your day today, please keep your best thoughts for Denny as he always has for us, and if you can help this man, there are no words I can use to describe the gratitude and hope you will bring to us all. help us show once again why this is the greatest group to ever grace the world wide web.

Thank You...........*********

More about where to donate to Denny will be posted here when available

More about Dennis:

CN BC: Pot User Can't Get The Drug He Needs Tue, 22 Jul 2003
CN BC: Letter Means Sick Man Can Buy Marijuana Thu, 11 Sep 2003
CN BC: Web: Medical Marijuana Fight Heating Up Wed, 05 May 2004
CN BC: Man Refused Medical Pot Gets Hearing Thu, 26 Aug 2004
CN BC: Man's Fight For Access To Medicinal Marijuana Continues Wed, 25 Aug 2004


Last Modified:Sunday, 20-Feb-2005 17:23:03 PST 3418