Current Affairs 2008 - Statistics (53 items)
Oct 22, 2008 | Wonderdrug? The medicinal use of Cannabis goes back around 4 000 years. In 1550 BC, the Ebers Papyrus ( Ancient Egypt ) described the medical uses of marijuana. The Ebers Papyrus is one of the oldest medical documents
Sep 19, 2008 | Island Pot Could Be Canada's Supply Horticulturist Eric Nash and his partner Wendy Little operate Island Harvest in the Cowichan Valley, which they say is Canada's first and only production facility of certified organic medical marijuana.
Their operation is licensed and approved by Health Canada, and they have been supplying two patients with marijuana who are registered with the Health Canada program authorizing use of the drug for certain medical conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disease and cancer.
Now they are applying for a contract to be a major supplier of marijuana for some of the 2,500 people across the country who are enrolled in the Health Canada program.
Sep 18, 2008 | Researcher Condemns Prime Minister Stephen Harper's War on Drugs When retired SFU psychology professor Bruce Alexander starts thinking about Prime Minister Stephen Harper's $63.8-million National Anti-Drug Strategy, he "goes ballistic". ...In his new book, The Globalisation of Addiction: A Study in Poverty of the Spirit ( Oxford University Press, $70 ), he argues that the true roots of drug misuse in Canada go far deeper. Dislocation, fragmentation, and isolation are the side effects of unregulated capitalism, Alexander said.
Sep 12, 2008 | Medical Marijuana Users Face Continued Uncertainty Part III of a four-part series on the medical use of marijuana - Although Fewer Than 3,000 Canadians Are Licensed To Use Medical Marijuana, It's Estimated That Between 400,000 And One Million People In The Country Use Cannabis As Medication. The Following Is The Third In A Series Of Articles About The Use Of Marijuana To Treat Medical Conditions.
Sep 3, 2008 | Question Numbers Crime is down across B.C. ...n addition, drug statistics are not included in the crime numbers as they are compiled separately, a practice that doesn't seem to make sense as an overwhelming number of police man hours are used to wage the war on drugs.
If police officers across B.C. are spending voluminous hours cracking down on marijuana grow-operations, crack shacks and heroin shipments, should that data not also factor into the crime-rate numbers?
Aug 27, 2008 | Alberta's Reefer Madness Hitting New Highs s Albertans go, they outnumber Catholics, smokers, Edmontonians, voters and overweight folk -- though a massive intake of potato chips might soon balance out the latter.
They're pot smokers, and a new study by Health Canada shows a staggering -- and presumably peckish -- 45.3% of Albertans have inhaled marijuana, with 34.7% returning for a regular hit of weed.
Aug 27, 2008 | B.C.'s Crime Rate Hits 30-Year Low The reported crime rate in B.C. is at a 30-year low, according to statistics released Tuesday by the provincial government. ...By comparison, B.C.'s drug crime rates -- which have consistently been the highest in Canada since the 1980s -- increased in 2007, due largely to a spike in possession of cannabis offences.
Aug 27, 2008 | Alberta's Reefer Madness Hitting New Highs As Albertans go, they outnumber Catholics, smokers, Edmontonians, voters and overweight folk -- though a massive intake of potato chips might soon balance out the latter.
They're pot smokers, and a new study by Health Canada shows a staggering -- and presumably peckish -- 45.3% of Albertans have inhaled marijuana, with 34.7% returning for a regular hit of weed
Jul 26, 2008 | The Politics Of Punishment A 2002 report commissioned by the Canadian Department of Justice on mandatory minimum jail sentences cautioned that the evidence is sparse about their deterrent effect and recognized that there are many counterproductive societal impacts.
Despite these realities, our government proposes to increase the number of crimes subject to mandatory minimum sentences, including a mandatory six months in jail for growing one marijuana plant.
Jul 19, 2008 | Getting Tough On The Taxpayer At issue is a new law that toughens mandatory minimum sentences for gun-related crimes. A proposed bill will do the same for anyone convicted of a long list of drug crimes, including those caught growing just one marijuana plant.
Jul 15, 2008 | Put A Lid On It The most recent Ontario studies have found marijuana use is already at a 30-year peak among adults and very close to that mark for teens. Adult use has climbed steadily from a low of eight per cent to a 2005 level of 14 per cent -and more than 38 per cent among the 18-29 age group. Among students in Grades 7 to 12, the number who smoked at least once in the previous year was 25.6 per cent in 2007, up from 9.9 per cent in 1991.
Jul 14, 2008 | Pot And Profit The production and sale of marijuana in the area is a large and growing international enterprise, highly sophisticated and generating huge profits for Asian organized crime, a police expert says.
Another case against prohibition. |
Jun 25, 2008 | MB Growers Breeding New Hemp HEMP growers in the Dauphin region are going back to some of the original hemp breeds in the area from the 18th century to come up with new varieties.
Jun 17, 2008 | Use of Marijuana for Medical Reasons Has Its Downers Researchers analysed 31 studies from around the world conducted over the past 40 years and found that while nearly 97 per cent of adverse events were not serious or life-threatening, medicinal marijuana users still have an 86-per-cent increase in the rate of non-serious adverse effects, such as drowsiness and dizziness, compared to non-users.
Jun 10, 2008 | Health Canada Taking Bids On Pot Contract The federal department is inviting firms from across the country to submit bids on a contract to cultivate and distribute medical marijuana for the next seven years, with options for two one-year extensions.
Jun 5, 2008 | What A Parent Will Do For A Sick Child never thought I would be buying "pot" at my age, but that's what's so interesting about life -- you just never know what's around the corner, do you?
There are no limits to what a parent will do for their sick child. On July 9, 2007, we made our first trip to the Medical Compassion Clinic in Toronto.
Jun 4, 2008 | No Hope In Fighting Dope The war on drugs has been fought. We lost. So what now?
For starters, we should admit defeat and legalize marijuana.
May 27, 2008 | Study Shows Marihuana Use Not A Threat Augustana sociology professor Geraint B. Osborne is of the opinion that people who use marihuana are no more a criminal threat to society than are alcohol and cigarette users.
May 26, 2008 | Search And Detention At Sea, But Keeping A Balance When a high-school principal in Sarnia, Ont., turned his school over to the police for a good portion of the day to let a drug-sniffing dog roam, he sent a terrible message to his students about what a democracy should permit the state to do in pursuit of its goals...Drug trafficking is not a trivial crime, but the presence of drugs poses no immediate danger. Guns do.
May 23, 2008 | Barbara Kay vs. Mary Jane Ms. Kay has assembled a file of evidence -- of varying quality -- on some dangers that cannabis may legitimately pose. Having presented it, she thus "respectfully ask[s] the Post to reconsider its editorial stance on the legalization of pot." Our stance was, and is, that as terrible as you can possibly make marijuana sound by the use of anecdote and by cherry-picking the scientific literature, you cannot make a credible argument that its public health and other social effects are as bad as those of alcohol and tobacco.