"The alternative therapies can't be shoe-horned into the scientific model.
If we want to find out what the scientific evidence is for the efficacy of these therapies, we have to look again at the questions that we ask. You can't, for example, take someone who's meditating for their health, and give them a placebo meditation. We have to be more imaginative, and use science in a way that is broader and more original.
You have to sometimes get a little imaginative, because we're talking body-mind. It may be that an herbalist is going to use a combination of herbs, so you can't isolate the effects of just one part of that. And that may be okay, because it may be that the effects are synergistic. Normally in the scientific method, they try to look at just one factor at a time. But in alternative therapies, frequently a combination of methods are used. When someone uses a combination of diet, acupuncture and imagery, it may not be possible to separate out the various aspects. We're talking about using common sense." "Forging A Vision" - Marilyn Ferguson
- Marijuana: Medical Papers(1839-1972)
- Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base (The Institue Of Medicine - IOM)
- New Scientist - Marijuana Special Report
- All Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy
- Medical Marijuana Research
- Cannabis Research Library
- Research Findings on Medicinal Properties of Marijuana.
- Medical Information on Marijuana
- The implementation and public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Canada: a systematic review
- Dr. Ethan Russo Research Papers
- Marijuana compound spurs brain cell growth
- Use of Cannabis Medicines in Clinical Practice - Dr. David Hadorn
- Characteristics and Experiences of a Cohort of 489 Patients Self-Medicating with Cannabis for Pain and Other Symptoms - Dr. David Hadorn
- The British Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting in Glasgow. Item 1 Cannabis Broadcast Saturday 22/09/2001
- International Association for Cannabis as Medicine (IACM) Bulletins
- For and against - Debate in the BMJ, Jan.12/02
- An Examination of Benefits and Adverse Effects of Legal Clinical Cannabis [PDF] - Ethan Russo et. al.
- Study suggests marijuana can help patients with chronic pain
- Weeding out pain
- Experts support legal Marijuana
- Human body found to produce its own version of marijuana
- Medical marijuana cures hiccups
- British Medical Journal Pronounces Marijuana Safer Than Alcohol, Tobacco
- Hashish Therapy for AIDS?
- Dr.Gifford-Jones
- How Harmful is Marijuana?
- Uses of marijuana
- How Pot Saved My Life
- Why people use cannabis
- One joint changed my life
- These women may be the first
- Cannabis and Driving: A Scientific and Rational Review
- Cannabis Reports: Driving
- Drugged Driving facts
- Senate Committee: Driving Under The Influence Of Cannabis
- Dr. Andrew Weil's Address to UBC Medical Students
- Presentation to Complementary Medicine Speaker Series - University of Calgary
- Office of Natural Health Products
- Access Denied: Health Canada's Future Label For Natural Health Products
- Quote from the Publisher of the Natural Health Products Report, Volume 12, No.#1, Issue 64, Fall 2003.
- Natural Health Products Regulations - consultation - Cda Gazette Pt. 1
- The Politics Of Health
- The patient's health should be the bottom line