Legal Information
Cannabis Arrest Statistics
From the beginning of prohibition to post legalization1923 - 0
1924 - 0
1925 - 0
1926 - 0
1927 - 0
1928 - 0
1929 - 0
1930 - 0
1931 - 0
1932 - NA
1933 - 0
1934 - 0
1935 - 0
1936 - 0
1937 - 4
1938 - 4
1939 - 12
1940 - 3
1941 - 0
1942 - 0
1943 - 2
1944 - 0
1945 - 0
1946 - 0
1947 - 0
1948 - 6
1949 - 5
1950 - N/A
1951 - 5
1952 - 6
1953 - 7
1954 - 2
1955 - 8
1956 - 1
1957 - 5
1958 - 14
1959 - 22
1960 - 21
1961 - 17
1962 - 16
1963 - 29
1964 - 39
1965 - 32
1966 - 112
1967 - 447
1968 - 817
1969 - 1476
1970 - 5399
1971 - 12000*
1972 - 10695
1973 - 12000*
1974 - 27.202
1975 - 12000*
1976 - 12000*
1977 - 58481
1978 - 53378
1979 - 56834
1980 - 64866
1981 - 65763
1982 - 53658
1983 - 43799
1984 - 43917
1985 - 43803
1986 - 41514
1987 - 43072
1988 - 40030
1989 - 40243
1990 - 38810
1991 - 33267
1992 - 34993
1993 - 35995
1994 - 40496
1995 - 43845
1996 - 47234
1997 - 47933
1998 - 50917
1999 - 60011
2000 - 66171
2001 - 70624
2002 - 69989
2003 - 60670
2004 - 67832
2005 - 59973
2006 - 58878
2007 - 62510
2008 - 80061
2009 - 65316
2010 - 77126
2011 - 77954
2012 - 73594
2013 - 73273
2014 - 68010
2015 - 58659
2016 - 47992
2017 - 54940
2018 - 35895
2019 - 16576
2020 - 12790
2021 - 13560
TOTAL 2,449,660
* Estimate no data found
Canada: Nationwide Legalization in 2018
When Canada became the first G7 nation to legalize recreational cannabis, policymakers and citizens alike were curious about its impact on crime rates.
Key Findings (Statistics Canada, 2022 Report):
- Cannabis-related arrests dropped by 62% after legalization.
- Drug trafficking charges decreased significantly.
- No measurable increase in violent crime was observed across provinces.
- Pardons for Simple Possession of Cannabis Convictions
- Cannabis Possession Limits
- Traveling with Cannabis
- Cannabis and Employment Rights
- Cannabis and Driving Laws
- Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Ontario Court of Appeal: Findings of fact regarding cannabis
- John Conroy - drug law test cases
- POLCOA cases
- Compassion Club rulings
- Allard V. HMQ (the MMAR/MMPR issue)
Decision February 26, 2016
nterlocutory Constitutional Exemption March 21, 2014 [PDF] Order - February 2, 2009: R. v. Beren ( Charter challenge)
- 2006: Supreme Court of Canada Grant Krieger (2006) (Jury Nullification case)
- Court of Appeal: Cultivation: Acquittal | Trafficking: new trial
- Dec. 11, 2000: Grant W. Krieger - [Appealed by Crown]
- June 20, 2001Grant W. Krieger - jury trial acquittal: [Appealed by Crown] [Back to jury]
- July 2000: Parker Appeal
- 2000: an Hunter - Seed Case
- 2001:Jim Wakeford Decision
- 2002: U.S.A. v. Licht (DEA conduct in Canada case)
- Jan. 2, 2003: R.v J.P. Phillips Decision [Appealed by Crown]
- March 14, 2003: Ronald Stavert (PEI)
- May 16, 2003: R.v J.P Appeal Rogin Judgment (upholding Phillips) Crown Appeal dismissed
- Sept. 4, 2003: R. V. Masse [Cannabis possession in B.C. struck down]
- 2003-10-06: R.v.Graham & Parks ("Abuse of Process" ruling)
- July 13, 2007: R. vs. Long ( Borenstein decision) (Cannabis possession laws unconstitutional)
- July 26, 2007: R. vs. Long (Reasons for Judgment)
- Jan. 10, 2008: Carousel Harvest Judgement (Hon. Barry Strayer) [PDF]
- Jan. 31, 2008: Carousel Harvest Notice of Appeal [PDF]
- Mar. 19, 2008: Stay of Judge Strayer's Jan.10/08 Carasel decision
- Oct. 27, 2008 Carasel upheld - Federal appeal denied
- August 14, 1997: Chris Clay Decision
- July 2000:Chris Clay Appeal (See: Supreme Court, Dec.13 2002)
- Caine Decision
- Malmo-Levine / Caine Appeal (See: Supreme Court, Dec.13 2002)
- Supreme Court of Canada Malmo-Levine, Cain decision
- Supreme Court of Canada Clay decision
- R v Smith
- Hans-Jorg Albrecht
- Bruce Alexander
- Marie Andree Bertrand
- Neil Boyd
- Patricia G. Erickson
- Dr Lester Grinspoon
- John P. Morgan M.D.
- Eugene Oscapella
- Robert Randall
- Diane Riley
- Neev Tapiero
- R v Parker - A landmark case that led to changes in medical marijuana access.
- R v Smith - Established the right to extract cannabis for medical purposes.
- Allard Decision - Strengthened patient access to medical cannabis.
Know Your Rights
Understanding your rights is crucial when dealing with cannabis-related legal issues:
Legal Cases
Affidavits from the Clay Trial
Current Legal Framework
The laws governing cannabis in Canada continue to evolve. Below are official sources for the latest policies:
Legal Cases & Precedents
Explore key legal cases that have shaped cannabis laws in Canada.