68% of Canadians use cannabis?It is probable that 68% of Canadians smoke or use cannabis in some form. It doesn't come across in polling data where people must self-report criminal behaviour, especially if it may be possible to identiy them in some way (like phone surveys), but it's out there. The assumption/thesis is some people will never self-report criminal behaviour and will lie on any survey, report, unless caught red-handed somehow, so it includes all closet consumers, liars and other unreported. There is no way to really prove which is more truthful - my hunch or science, so anecdotal experience is likely your best guide. Anonymous Data: Notice the numbers when those surveyed are not implicating themselves, but somone else. ![]() Polls used to always be skewed in favour of reform as most of the websites were also in favour of reform. By mid-decade, the status quo knew they must step up their efforts and presence on the internet, so today you can see polls skewed either way - depending on which side of an issue gets the word out. Whether it is 68% or 50%, it is a sizeable amount of the population not reflected in less anonymous surveys, but reflected in real lives. VERSUSControlled Data: The world drug-use study by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime said that 16.8% of Canadians aged 15 to 64 smoked marijuana or used other cannabis products in 2004, the most recent year for which statistics were cited. 2004: [Source] According to research commissioned by Health Canada, a survey of 12-to 19-year-olds conducted this fall found that 34% said they had tried marijuana on more than one occasion. 2003: [Source] A study done last year by the Canadian Medical Association showed only 6.8% of people surveyed in Ontario had used the drug (cannabis) in the preceding year for recreation - only 1.9% had used it for a medical condition. 2001: [Source] |