"Canadian trends, information and resources connected to cannabis"

What Legalization Should Look Like

May 2, 2016

The Liberal government announced plans to legalize cannabis in Canada in the Spring 2017.

This news comes with some trepidation for long time stakeholders, as there is no allowance for representation on the Advisory Panel. Instead the Panel is made of former prohibitionists and others who view cannabis usage as “drug abuse”.

Cannabis has been illegal throughout our lifetimes, so it is woven into the societal fabric in a “wild west” sort of way and much of that can not be undone – especially within the near future. The black market is very well established, consumers are used to certain prices and quality and many will continue to use the black market if the regulated market falls short in any expectations.

In order to get legalization / regulation right, the government needs to ensure some basic steps are taken from the start if they truly wish for the black market to disappear. Each province will be responsible for some part in regulation as they do with alcohol and tobacco, so there will be variance of regulation from province to province. The basic steps needed by the federal government and provinces are presented and details can be fleshed out with time.

Other issues will also need to be addressed such as impaired driving limits. The government needs to get this right so we smoothly transition from a prohibitionist country to a regulated society. It also has to be mature enough to admit if things don’t work out as planned, to step back, re-examine and change the legislation to improve the law.

Every cannabis consumer has been waiting their whole lifetime for this moment, and they will not change the way they do business overnight to accomodate government boogey man fears. They will change if the new way of doing things is more beneficial to their health and well being.