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Current Affairs 2006 - Statistics (28 items)

Dec 13, 2006 Medicinal 'Weed' Helps The Ill: Doctor One day, when he was in a Jamaican hospital doing graduate research on chronic pain, Dr. Mark Ware noticed that some of his patients were coping with their pain much more easily than others.

Intrigued, he asked an old Rastafarian his secret.

"It's the herb, Doc," replied the man.

That's when the doctor found his vocation.

Dec 8, 2006 Steady Increase in Marijuana Use Some young people start off by smoking marijuana even before they try cigarettes, says Dr. Scott Leatherdale, researcher at Cancer Care Ontario, University of Waterloo and University of Toronto. That's quite the opposite of how things used to be years ago.

Nov 24, 2006 Baby Boom Pot Smokers' Principles Up In Smoke Weekly, in this city and across Canada, marijuana grow house operations are busted; kids are arrested in parks as they smoke grass -- the war on "drugs" marches on. So lucrative is the business of selling marijuana that drug dealers kill each other to stay on top, often also killing or maiming innocent bystanders in the process. And in the midst of all this, on any given Saturday night, the elite of this country -- including doctors, lawyers and journalists -- puff away on marijuana and sip red wine as they exchange pleasant conversation at dinner parties. Anything wrong with this picture?

Nov 24, 2006 Straight Talk Teen Drug and Alcohol Use Is a Fact of Life in Every Community. Most of It Is Experimental; Rarely Does It Lead to Addiction. ...In 2003, youth aged 13 to 18 filled out a survey and one in five said they had tried marijuana. More than half said they had used alcohol. These are not surprising statistics, but they should make parents take notice.

Nov 17, 2006 Hemp Shaking Its Shady Image Health Food Market Drives 'Gangbuster' Canadian Sales IT'S used in salad oil, power shakes and non-meat burgers, it's turning up in skin care products and may one day coat the exterior of long-haul buses. The Canadian hemp industry is booming as farmers, food processors and industrial users alike are rediscovering the plant that is related to marijuana, but won't get you high.

Nov 17, 2006 Manitoba, Largest CDN. Industrial Hemp Producer MANITOBA, LARGEST CDN. INDUSTRIAL HEMP PRODUCER, WELCOMES DELEGATES TO CONFERENCE Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Rosann Wowchuk welcomed delegates to the national Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance conference in Winnipeg today. "Our province is proud to support this conference that highlights industrial hemp as an emerging crop that reaches across industries like health and functional food production," said Wowchuk. "This product is also creating value-added opportunities in bio-composite materials such as counter tops and bio-fibre production." Manitoba is the largest producer of hemp in Canada, with more than 28,000 acres dedicated to the crop. Two of the three major hemp processing plants are located in the province. Canada grows approximately 48,000 acres of hemp.

Nov 16, 2006 Gettin' The Dope On Pot More than one in four Ontario high school students used marijuana last year. So Parent Action on Drugs is launching a new provincial campaign to teach teens and their parents that marijuana is not a benign drug, that it can produce serious side effects like failing grades, sleep deprivation and anger-management problems. The "What's With Weed" program doesn't push for zero use -- the old "just say no" approach to drugs -- but instead asks students to consider whether their pot use has become a problem in their lives.

Nov 14, 2006 York Prof Gets Green Light On Lighting Up A York University criminology professor has been given the passing grade to smoke up in his own private ventilated room on campus. According to a story published on York's website, MacLean said he needs to smoke marijuana at least every four hours to help treat a severe form of degenerative arthritis.

Nov 8, 2006 Battle For Bud The government announced its decision to fund Prairie Plant Systems Inc. to grow cannabis inside an abandoned mine shaft mid-October. "The frustration there is this is a company that really has not worked hard to meet the needs of the end users of this product," Lucas says in a recent interview. While 1,400 Canadians are registered in the medical marijuana program, only 300 order marijuana through PPS. According to Lucas, the government has spent more than $8 million on the PPS production facility. "Now if we divide that over 300 people, we can see what we're growing in Flin Flon, Manitoba is the world's most expensive bud," he says. But PPS president Brent Zettl says public outcry from medical marijuana advocates is a thin disguise for ulterior motives.

Nov 4, 2006 She's Hardly a Pothead A survey commissioned by Cannasat found 80% of Canadians believe the sick should have access to marijuana with a prescription.

More accurately, 93% of Canadians support medical marijuana. Period. Nothing about presciptions. See: In a nationwide survey, anoverwhelming 93 per cent of Canadians indicated they accept the idea of people legally smoking marijuana for health reasons. Nearly three in four ( 70 per cent ) not only accept the practice but also personally approve of the behaviour.
See: When asked if cannabis should be made legal for medical purposes, such as helping cancer patients control pain, an overwhelming 92% of respondents to the National Post poll answered in the affirmative.
Nov 2, 2006 93% Of Canadians Okay With Medicinal Pot Nearly Half Back Full Legalization; Support Is Highest In Quebec And B.C. In a nationwide survey, an overwhelming 93 per cent of Canadians indicated they accept the idea of people legally smoking marijuana for health reasons. Nearly three in four ( 70 per cent ) not only accept the practice but also personally approve of the behaviour.

[ Not much has changed in six years - (See: 2000 Survey ) - Support still runs in the 90+ percentile for medpot, and the government still does nothing ]
Nov 2, 2006 It's OK to Puff Pot for Health, Survey Finds In a nationwide survey, an overwhelming 93 per cent of Canadians indicated they accept the idea of people legally smoking marijuana for health reasons. Nearly three in four ( 70 per cent ) not only accept the practice but also personally approve of the behaviour.

Oct 5, 2006 BC The Marijuana Capital Of Canada, Study Finds People in B.C. smoke more marijuana than people in any other province in Canada, according to a study released Wednesday. "There is more occasional and low-risk cannabis use, more tolerant attitudes, and greater availability in B.C. than in the rest of Canada," says the study for Addictions Research of B.C., which is based at the University of Victoria, "In B.C. cannabis, like alcohol, is now regarded as a 'normal' recreational drug."

Sep 28, 2006 Feds' Wily Weed Cash Ruse Bouzanis confirms that only $2 million was ever doled out of the original $7.5 million earmarked for reefer research, while about $5.5 million remains to be spent. Vancouver NDP MP Libby Davies has requested that Auditor General Sheila Fraser look into the accounting of all money spent on the program.

Sep 1, 2006 Cannabis Use in British Columbia: patterns of use, perceptions, and public opinion as assessed in the 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey - September 2006 (PDF) Cannabis Use in British Columbia
Compared with other Canadians, significantly fewer BC respondents said they believed cannabis use should be illegal (42% versus 49%), while significantly more stated they:
  • had ever used cannabis in the past – 53% in BC versus 44% elsewhere
  • experienced access to be ‘very easy’ – 65% in BC versus 44% elsewhere
  • believed both occasional and regular cannabis use to be harm free.

Jul 3, 2006 It's Time To Take Ragers Off The Road Opinions Differ On The Causes Of Road Rage, But One Thing Is Clear: People With Anger Issues Don't Belong Behind The Wheel ... researchers think it's ... a medical condition called intermittent explosive disorder. A Canadian study ..found frequent road ragers were more likely to take ecstasy... cocaine, cannabis and alcohol. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health concluded that drugs and alcohol are the main cause of angry, erratic behaviour behind the wheel.

[Big Pharma is working overtime to pump out the "disease of the day" so they can peddle their latest cure to replace the mostly less harmful substances some people choose to self-medicate with:
Psychotropic medications used with Intermittent Explosive Disorder.
Carbamazepine (Tegretol and others).
Divalproex (Depakote).
Fluoxetine (Prozac).
Gabapentin (Neurontin).
Lamotrigine (Lamictal).
P henytoin (Dilantin).
Sertraline (Zoloft).
Venlafaxine (Effexor).
Jul 2, 2006 Tories Keep Medical Pot As much as the Tories would probably love to ditch the medical marijuana program, they have quietly extended the contract with the government's official pot grower.... The five-year, $5.7-million deal the Liberals inked with Prairie Plant Systems, which grows Ottawa's weed in an abandoned mine in Manitoba, expired Friday ( after a six-month extension was previously granted ).

[While other growers of that magnitude are MAKING $5.7-million in NON-TAXABLE income over 5 years, the government is SPENDING $5.7-million in TAXPAYER MONEY over 5 years on the pot trade, yet no alarm bells seem to be going off... in fact , the status quo is reinforced more than ever at every level.]
Jun 10, 2006 Canada May Get Competition Saskatchewan farmers who grow industrial hemp may have competition from North Dakota in the coming years. About 24,000 acres ( 9,700 hectares ) of hemp was grown in Canada last year, with roughly one-third of those acres in Saskatchewan. Commercial hemp farming is nonexistent in the United States, where the Drug Enforcement Agency ( DEA ) doesn't currently recognize the crop apart from marijuana.

May 26, 2006 Legally Using Marijuana In Canada Canada was the first country to regulate medical marijuana use. Health Canada established guidelines to allow Canadians access to marijuana for medicinal reasons in 2001, called Marijuana Medical Access Regulations. The regulations outline circumstances that permit people to use pot for medical reasons under two categories:

Mar 22, 2006 Hemps Future Bright Say Proponents Currently, there are roughly 300 acres of commercial hemp grown in Ontario produced by about 10 growers said Gordon Scheifele, president of the provincial organization. That's considerably less than the 8,000 to 10,000 acres produced annually in Manitoba but he says the progress on acceptance of the crop is right on target.

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