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Current Affairs 2007 - Propaganda (34 items)

Dec 11, 2007 Common Sense When I hear proponents for marihuana legalization expressing their view I can't help but consider that our one licit substance, alcohol creates more harms than all other drugs combined. So legalization of marihuana is supposed to work? I think not. But you decide.

Nov 11, 2007 'Marijuana Is an Addictive Drug' Andy Ivens The Province Sgt. Scott Rintoul mans the RCMP's drug-awareness bureau in B.C. Well-acquainted with the arguments for legalizing marijuana, he challenges the legal-pot advocates to consider one important point -- our children.

Oct 18, 2007ON: Hawkesbury Shops Ditch Drug Paraphernalia Hawkesbury merchants plan to stop selling marijuana bongs, drug pipes and other accessories at the request of police, even though it's legal to do so. The decision comes after a town hall meeting last week when store owners agreed with Hawkesbury OPP that they were aiding drug use by selling the paraphernalia, especially to youth.

[More harm reduction out the window - kids will use pop cans and other questionable materials instead]
Oct 9, 2007 Reefer Madness Studies have suggested that as many as 1 in 4 cannabis users may be genetically at risk for developing schizophrenia or a related psychotic disorder. Now, a new study reveals all users are at risk.[1]

[Reefer Madness at its best]
Sep 30, 2007 'Party's Over' For Druggies: Health Minister OTTAWA -- Health Minister Tony Clement will announce the Conservative government's anti-drug strategy this week with a stark warning: "The party's over" for illicit drug users. "In the next few days, we're going to be back in the business of an anti-drug strategy," Clement said. "In that sense, the party's over."

Sep 27, 2007 Stop Selling of Grow-Op Equipment - Fire Chiefs Canada's fire chiefs are calling for the government to restrict the sale of hydroponics equipment in an attempt to quash the proliferation of clandestine marijuana grow operations.

Sep 27, 2007 Stop Selling of Grow-Op Equipment - Fire Chiefs Canada's fire chiefs are calling for the government to restrict the sale of hydroponics equipment in an attempt to quash the proliferation of clandestine marijuana grow operations... "These operations create a significant hazard for the community and for the health and safety of firefighters not only in Niagara, but across the country," Ontario Fire Marshal Pat Burke said Wednesday.

Aug 27, 2007 Campaign Should Pass On Pot If the federal government is serious about starting a massive anti-drug campaign aimed at youth, it had best ensure the message makes sense. At this point, it doesn't. ...He made special mention of marijuana, reminding the doctors in attendance that pot today is more potent from any they might have smoked in their youth. That's where Clement's message is troubling. Lumping in pot use with harder drugs is a tenuous link at best, and to build a campaign around it risks sinking the whole message.

Aug 23, 2007 Time To Just Say 'No' To Cannabis I know a guy who does a lot of weed. It's not a happy story. He started smoking dope in high school. After university, his friends began working hard and building their careers. He smoked dope instead. His friends got married and had kids. So did he. But he couldn't ever keep a job for long. He had lengthy spells of unemployment. His family was always broke, because he inhaled every cent they had. Eventually his fed-up wife threw him out. Today, well into middle age, he's scraping by somewhere, living in some basement.

"Wente's own allergy to complexity leads her frequently to the same conclusion," explained Jim Hoggan in his blog

National Speakers Bureau profile states, "Margaret Wente's thoughts about current events and issues often provoke heated debate through her columns in the Globe and Mail."

Tyrone Nicholas posted on his now defunct blog dedicated to her: "But I know of no one else who works so hard on smearing all non-white peoples with a broad brush, who will invent social problems where none exist, who will scurry to find any possible racial angle to a story. And indeed this is why Margaret Wente provokes such fury in me, for I am everything she despises."

Bryan Birtles wrote: And, in a style eerily reminiscent of Emily Murphy's racist ravings against the Chinese, Wente goes on to claim that the new super weed is causing absolute reefer madness amongst "certain ethnic minorities," mentioning native reservations.

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams says in a News Release, "Her paternalistic and condescending attitude serves only to further ignite the passion of our people at home and abroad."

Wikipedia publishes, "Wente was briefly managing editor at the same paper (Globe and Mail) but was forced to relinquish the post after a staff revolt."
Aug 21, 2007 Clement To Doctors: Talk Straight On Drug Dangers Federal Health Minister Tony Clement delivered a tough, anti-drug message to doctors on Monday, saying young people need straight talk about the dangers of illicit drugs, including marijuana. "The messages young people have received during the past several years have been confusing and conflicting to say the least," Clement told the annual meeting of the Canadian Medical Association ( CMA ) in Vancouver.

Aug 6, 2007 Cannabis Country COREN: Quite so. Theft, rape and assault are also apparently unstoppable, so we might as well decriminalize or legalize them as well. Just because something is common does not mean it is acceptable. Individuals who use this stuff privately are seldom touched. It's the dealers who are arrested and quite rightly too.

[The lamest prohibitionist argument of them all... how much public support is there to legalize murder? How many government commissions have studied the issue? ]
Aug 1, 2007 We Need To Inform Our Young People About Pot And young British Columbians themselves have to ask: How much less harmful is it to smoke marijuana than regular cigarettes? According to research into long-term pot use released yesterday, smoking a single joint causes the same amount of lung damage as between 2 1/2 and five tobacco cigarettes. That seems to be because pot smokers tend to inhale more deeply and hold the smoke in longer. Also, joints typically do not have filters.

[ A good response:New Study: Marijuana Does Not Cause Psychosis, Lung Damage, or Skin Cancer
Aug 1, 2007 Tougher Controls Not Needed, Experts Say A British study claiming pot smokers have a 40 per cent higher risk of developing psychotic illnesses does not prove tougher Canadian drug laws are needed, experts say. Canadian researchers say stiffer penalties here have traditionally failed to curb marijuana use in a country that has one of the highest per capita number of pot smokers on Earth.

Jul 26, 2007 The Scary Science of Marijuana Scientific developments have established that as many as one in four cannabis users is genetically at risk for developing schizophrenia or a related psychotic disorder.

[All the drugs children are prescribed like Ritlan and Adderall are having no effect on developing brains?]
Jul 23, 2007 Canada Deserves a Full Debate Abou Canada deserves a full debate about marijuana. But it serves no purpose to malign prohibition per es as simple-minded. Most people are law-abiding. When the law prohibits pot or liquor, millions are content to do as they're told.

[Welcome to the nanny state mentality]
Jul 21, 2007 Family Values Going Up In Smoke Provincial police say the mother, in her 40s, and the daughter, in her 20s, lit up while sitting in a parked car on Harbour Road before the start of Wednesday' Nickelback concert. Call us old-fashioned, but we find it deeply unsettling when parents take recreational drugs with their kids. And far from being the exception, family drug cases are coming to court with increasingly regularity.

[Kids in their 20's are considered adults, and it would be perfectly okay for them to go to a bar and drink with a parent, or share cigarettes... hypocrites]
Jul 2, 2007 Landlord Jailed For Renting Grow-Op House To Family A Niagara Falls landlord will spend the next 60 days behind bars for knowingly renting a toxic home to an unsuspecting family of five.

[How many landlords across Canada would be in jail for renting moldy units (whether used for gardens or not) if they were all held accountable? This case appears to be a mix of racism and prejudice]
Jun 29, 2007 We Need To Start Winning The Pot Propaganda In the battle against harmful drugs, society has at least two main defences: the courts and the court of public opinion. B.C.'s courts, however, appear powerless.

Jun 26, 2007 Not The Groovy '60s Today's harder, meaner cannabis is a scourge in many of Canada's poorer neighbourhoods. It is a spreading affliction on native reserves and, in the cities, is intimately linked with the deadly duo of guns and gangs. It has an especially devastating effect among certain ethnic minorities.

Jun 25, 2007 Drug Abuse, Trafficking Awareness Day, June 26 Nearly 200 million people are using drugs worldwide specifically marijuana, opiates and crystal meth. Cannabis remains the highest used drug globally, with an estimated 16 million users.

[So it will only take eliminating 200 million users, and all the banned plants and ingredients they consume to meet the 2008 deadline they imposed for a drug free world]

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