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Current Affairs 2007 - Youth (68 items)

Jan 25, 2007 Living In Grow-Op Danger BC: As many as 30 per cent of the 150 grow operations inspected and shut down by the City of Abbotsford last year may have housed children living in dangerous conditions. "In many searches we've located hazardous equipment and chemicals in areas that children often pay around and in some cases, sleep," he said...."Parents and others who expose children to such risks need to know their behaviour is unacceptable, and there are consequences.

[If parents can legally grow cannabis, then it is not hazardous. If parents grow hydroponic vegetables it is not hazardous. But if parents grow some unauthorized plants, it is hazardous. More proof the drug war is illogical.]
Jan 24, 2007 Family Sues Door-Busting Cops ON: Henry George McCool Sr. accuses Toronto Police of being negligent for barging into his home on Sept. 15, 2005 in search of his son, who did not live with his father at the time of the arrests, in a gang crackdown dubbed Project Flicker, a statement of claim filed yesterday said. The family wants $2.75 million in damages for the incident, which they say has left the mother and father coping with depression and their 8-year-old granddaughter with a "continuing fear and distrust" of police officers that has led to frequent nightmares.

Jan 24, 2007 Drug-Endangered Children Will Get Help AB: Twenty-five police officers from the Capital Region are being trained in a course on investigating drug-endangered children.... The program focused on how to deal with the children that police sometimes find living in the drug houses and marijuana grow operations they've raided.

[The trend of removing children from homes will be monitored throughout the year as it violates logic, reason and basic human rights]
Jan 21, 2007 Rules Go Up In Smoke With flagrant disregard for city smoking bylaws and drug laws, a couple of thousand avid fans were encouraged to light up and get high by the hip-hop acts including Canada's own Belly who gave a well-received opening performance. Lethbridge is definitely hip to the hop and dope to the dope as the Enmax centre air filled with the aroma of marijuana.

Jan 19, 2007 Drug Endangered Children Act Gives Police Tool To Halt AB: As a member of Edmonton's green team, RCMP Cpl. Ian Gillan has seen too many heartbreaking cases of young children being neglected or abused because of their parents' drug activity. The father of two wholeheartedly supports Alberta's Drug Endangered Children legislation, which strengthens police power to seize and hold children found living in homes where drugs are sold or produced. "I've been pushing the DEC agenda since 2003 when I first became aware of it," Gillan said Thursday, during a break in an RCMP-hosted investigator training session at K-Division headquarters.

Jan 18, 2007 Reefer Madness' No Reason to Seize More Children BC: Why is the B.C. Association of Social Workers beating the bushes to have more children taken into care? Association spokesman Paul Jenkinson has been stumping the provincial media urging that the government start seizing children found in homes with marijuana-growing operations. There's "a crisis" out there, in his opinion, and fast action by Victoria is required. ... Jenkinson is peddling reefer madness. His suggestion that we begin seizing more children and putting them in provincial care would only exacerbate what is already a bad situation.

[Hooray! Sentiments from a perspective outside the status quo]
Jan 17, 2007 Schools Designated Drug Free Zones Drug dealers with a tendency for hanging around elementary schools have been put on official notice. Stay away from the kids. "If people are selling drugs in school zones, be prepared to face bigger consequences," said Const. Tim Lyons of the 100 Mile House RCMP.

[This is another classic example of how Canada has been adopting many US drug war strategies]
Hair Test Kit Can Spot Kids' Drug Use An American company has come up with a home drug-testing kit for parents who suspect their kids are up to no good. Parents can already use GPS tracking devices in cars or cell phones to monitor their teens' whereabouts and online monitoring tools to track their kids' Internet usage. Now, for $64.99 US, HairConfirm can let parents know within 48 hours if their teen is using drugs. "It can test for seven different drugs -- including amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, PCP and marijuana," said Confirm BioSciences CEO Zeynep Ilgaz, whose San Diego-based company posted revenues last year of $2.6 million.

[Follow the money - who cares how it affects kids and their parental relationships. No wonder more kids are abusing deadly prescription drugs]

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