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Current Affairs 2007 - Consequences (58 items)

Dec 18, 2007 Dad Puts Marijuana-Smoking Son's Wii Gift On E-Bay Online debates over parenting skills and marijuana legalization have been sparked by a Waterloo man who put his son's Christmas gift for sale on e-Bay after he caught the 15-year-old smoking marijuana. The man, who goes by the e-Bay user name "k_lid" claimed on the auction site that he spent weeks scouring stores in order to buy Guitar Hero III for his son, Isaac, to play on his Nintendo Wii. After finally scoring a copy of the game, the elementary school teacher came home one day to find his son smoking marijuana in his backyard with two friends.

Dec 16, 2007NS: Justice Unit Holds Power To Evict Guilty or not, people suspected of certain crimes are being turfed from their homes across the province. So far, occupants of 23 homes, apartments or trailers have been evicted since the summer, when a new division of the Justice Department began to fully enforce the new provincial Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act. Proclaimed Jan. 7, the act is intended to target suspected drug use and sales, prostitution, illegal gaming, bootlegging or child sexual abuse.

Dec 13, 2007 Grow Ops Are For Grown-ups o whom it may concern, I am writing to say how outraged I am after reading this news item last Monday. As a mother of three, I can understand how parents across the country must feel. While it seems that we live in a fairly liberal society where we respect the rights of our children, there are some things that should remain sacred. No matter how many reasons parents might give, there is just no excuse for letting toddlers run a large-scale marijuana grow op.

Nov 24, 2007 BC Civil Forfeiture Act -- Facts Figures There are now about 60 cases involving about $5 million in cash and assets, including real estate, vehicles and jewelry believed to be the profit from crime and other unlawful activity.

Nov 23, 2007 Harper's Misguided War on Pot Justice Minister Rob Nicholson's new package of mandatory sentences for marijuana dealers, announced on Tuesday, seems to involve some perverse incentives. Under the bill, a grower who is caught with between one and 200 plants and is found to have the intention of trafficking will receive a non-negotiable minimum of six months in prison, unless he can show that he is eligible for judicially ordered treatment under the auspices of a drug court. The maximum penalty for having a few pot plants on the premises will be increased to 14 years.

Nov 21, 2007 Drug Law Will Fill Jails, Expert Warns B.C.'s already crowded jails will need to squeeze in another 700 marijuana growers per year if new mandatory sentences are enacted, an analysis of sentencing figures suggests. "You basically need a new prison to facilitate that," said Darryl Plecas, a criminologist at the University College of the Fraser Valley who studies marijuana sentencing. "You're going to have hundreds, if not thousands, of people going to jail who aren't going now."

Nov 5, 2007 More Calgary Children Seized From Grow Ops More than 60 per cent of all children seized from drug houses in Alberta under the year-old Drug Endangered Children Act were in the Calgary region. Alberta Children's Services figures show 23 of the 38 children apprehended under the act came from the Calgary area, which includes Banff, Cochrane and High River.

Oct 21, 2007 Can Employers Test For Pot? Drug and alcohol testing programs can be implemented in workplaces in Canada -- and employees suspended or fired as a consequence of the results. But Karen Izzard of the Canadian Human Rights Commission said Friday that employers who choose to do so face human-rights complaints or lawsuits.

Oct 19, 2007 Choose Your Poison On the farming side, any policy that successfully reduces the production of marijuana to a significant degree will utterly crash the economy of most of the interior of British Columbia. Mining, fishing, forestry and food farming, the mainstays of the interior economy, home to two million, have all been in inexorable decline for decades. The only thing keeping most families afloat is production of marijuana or jobs in retail and other industries supported by the proceeds of sales of marijuana by the growers.

Oct 18, 2007ON: Hawkesbury Shops Ditch Drug Paraphernalia Hawkesbury merchants plan to stop selling marijuana bongs, drug pipes and other accessories at the request of police, even though it's legal to do so. The decision comes after a town hall meeting last week when store owners agreed with Hawkesbury OPP that they were aiding drug use by selling the paraphernalia, especially to youth.

[More harm reduction out the window - kids will use pop cans and other questionable materials instead]
Oct 12, 2007 Canada Chooses Cannabis, Not So High On Steroids Of the tiny numbers of Canadian athletes who test positive, it's more likely to be for cannabis than anything truly sinister.

Oct 1, 2007 Tory Pot Smokers Should Be The First To Turn Themselves Into Police! Stephen Harper is about to declare another 'War on drugs.' Statistics show that roughly 16.8% of Canadians use marijuana / cannabis. You therefore have to assume that there MUST be a couple of Conservative Members of Parliament who fit into the 16.8% number. ... It is time for EVERY card carrying member of the Conservative Party of Canada who uses cannabis to lead by example and turn themselves into the police immediately whether or not they support Harper's new initiative.

Sep 27, 2007 Stop Selling of Grow-Op Equipment - Fire Chiefs Canada's fire chiefs are calling for the government to restrict the sale of hydroponics equipment in an attempt to quash the proliferation of clandestine marijuana grow operations... "These operations create a significant hazard for the community and for the health and safety of firefighters not only in Niagara, but across the country," Ontario Fire Marshal Pat Burke said Wednesday.

Sep 12, 2007 Marijuana-smoking Troops Banned From Afghanistan OTTAWA - Some 250 soldiers who tested positive for drugs were not allowed to serve in Afghanistan, the Canadian Forces confirmed yesterday.

Aug 5, 2007 Dead Calgary Youth Was Arguing Over Pot CALGARY ( CNS )-- Before he was pushed into the path of an oncoming transit train in Calgary, 17-year-old Gage Jeffrey Prevost was arguing over $10 worth of marijuana, say friends.

[Prohibition claims another life. This is the direct result of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act that supposedly protects our children from illegal drugs by letting anyone of any age distribute substances to anyone of any age at any time.]
Aug 3, 2007 Drug House Forfeited To Crown RCMP Say It Is Most Expensive Home Yet Seized A Surrey drug house worth $723,000 has been forfeited to the state, making it the most expensive one yet.

Jul 30, 2007 Men Get Jail Time For Impersonating Police Officers A Superior Court judge showed little sympathy on Friday for three men who dressed as police officers while trying to rip off a marijuana grow-op near Head Lake in 2003.

Jul 24, 2007AB: RCMP Seize Medical Pot User's Plants An Evansburg man who takes pot for his pain fears he's about to get sicker after police seized his weed yesterday. ..."According to Health Canada, there is no licence in place for this individual," said Cpl. James House of the Evansburg RCMP. Chorney, though, said he was in the midst of getting his licence renewed in order to move his plants outdoors.

[Many legal exemptees have stated that the police subject them to raids and prosecution after the government fails to provide them with timely protection. How can police cause so much harm to the sick and still sleep at night?]
Jul 22, 2007 Medicinal Pot Battle Hits Home Rudy Seegobin is licensed by Health Canada to grow his own pot for medicinal reasons. Seegobin, 41, suffers from Crohn's disease, a twisted spinal cord and severe arthritis... The only problem is his house is adjoined to another and the neighbour claims the smell of marijuana permeates through the walls.

[If someone was growing vegetables, would they be faced with the same scenario? Police propaganda spread via the media is to blame for situations like this]
Jul 2, 2007 Landlord Jailed For Renting Grow-Op House To Family A Niagara Falls landlord will spend the next 60 days behind bars for knowingly renting a toxic home to an unsuspecting family of five.

[How many landlords across Canada would be in jail for renting moldy units (whether used for gardens or not) if they were all held accountable? This case appears to be a mix of racism and prejudice]

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