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Current Affairs 2008 - Propaganda (27 items)

Feb 18, 2008 War Of Words - Marijuana Pro- In the end, I think the best reason to end prohibition is because prohibition is not just the War on Drugs, it's a war on regular citizens. Prohibition is an attack against our freedom of choice, and our freedom of control over our own bodies. Canada is a progressive nation, and as a progressive nation, I like to think that Canada avoids war whenever possible; even when the war is against drugs.
Against -What many don't seem to realize, however, is that legalizing pot, or any drug for that matter, has very little positives. Legalization means that more people would become far more likely to experiment with drugs, and that definitely is not a good thing.

Feb 14, 2008 Using Pot To Ease MS Symptoms May Slow Mental Acuity Some people with multiple sclerosis have turned to street marijuana in a bid to ease pain and other symptoms of the disabling neurological disorder, but new research suggests smoking pot may further harm already vulnerable cognitive abilities.

Feb 11, 2008 No Evidence To Support Legalization Of Drugs Advocates for legalized drugs make the claim that, since the "war on drugs" in the U.S. has failed, it is pointless for Canada to follow. Rather inconveniently, however, there's little evidence to support their assertions. Most recent figures suggest the opposite.

Feb 8, 2008AB: Periodic Pooch Patrol A Positive Plan Attila Toldy and his police dog, Riff, have been given the go-ahead to start making random rounds at Elk Island Catholic School's ( EICS ) high schools within Strathcona County while kids are in class and out of the halls. Riff's powerful nose can sniff out crack, cocaine, psilocybin ( magic mushrooms ), marijuana and any other form of drug that police want him to.

[The procedure adds to ongoing evidence of creeping fascism with genocidal leanings unless the dog detects tobacco, alcohol,prescription and OTC drugs as well]
Jan 15, 2008SN: Ruling Disappoints Medical Pot Producer Health Canada's contract producer for medicinal marijuana fears patient safety and product quality will suffer as a result of a federal court ruling that relaxes government restrictions and allows other growers to become suppliers.

[ Product quality???? See; Organic Cannabis vs Health Canada product ]
Jan 15, 2008 B.C.'s Prince of Pot Got What Was Coming to Him Still, Mr. Emery is anything but a sympathetic figure. In truth, the pot activist is a smart-ass egomaniac addicted as much to the fame and attention his marijuana crusade has brought him as he is to the B.C. Bud he likes to smoke so much. We can condemn U.S. drug laws as unduly harsh all we want, but the fact is they are the laws. And when we are in that country, or doing business with people who live there, we must respect those laws. If you decide to thwart them, as Mr. Emery did, you do so at your peril.

Jan 11, 2008 Hardly a Prince Marc Emery Peddles a Dangerous Drug and Flouts American Laws. Why Should Ottawa Protect Him? ...Marc Emery isn't a hero, he's a drug dealer. There isn't much of a case to support government intervention in his extradition hearings, but there's plenty of evidence to show why his activities are far from harmless.

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