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Current Affairs 2008 - Youth (33 items)

Apr 15, 2008 Debate Over Steve Walton Presentation This past week, I received a barrage of emails in response to the story on Steve Walton's presentation to BCHS students. I was shocked and disappointed by what they had to say. One emailer from Calgary said that Walton was misleading young people on the dangers of using marijuana. He claimed that despite the lies of someone like Walton, that young people will only be able to learn the truth through experiencing the drug. "The lies do much more harm than good," he said.

Apr 10, 2008 One-Quarter of Students Smoking Up During School One in four Nanaimo secondary students is using marijuana while at school. That's one of the findings of the second annual Safe Schools Survey conducted in Nanaimo secondary schools in February 2007. Almost 5,000 students from Grades 8-12 took the survey.

Mar 30, 2008 An Apprentice Drug Runner -- In Grade 9 'People Are So Desperate For Money That They'll Put Drugs In A Child's Hand'

Mar 28, 2008 Hooked On Green Parents Empowering Parents ( PEP ) is at the frontline of drug education and prevention. Meeting every second Tuesday at 7 p.m., at County Hall, PEP hosts open meetings for anyone impacted directly or indirectly by drug use. Families come together to share their experiences and learn from others who have struggled and suffered with addictions. PEP stands by its members and ensures that they are never alone and have someone to turn to for advice and assistance. Recently, Strathcona County Council voted unanimously to grant PEP $30,000 so that the organization could hire an executive director and continue to expand their vital work and help even more families. For more information on Parents Empowering Parents, visit

Mar 28, 2008 Protection Needed for Kids in Pot Grow Homes: Councillor Children's health and safety is at stake when they grow up in drug houses, Bateman said. When Langley Township's Public Safety Inspection Teams visit a local home, they often find evidence of drugs. All too frequently, they also find toys and playpens.

Mar 27, 2008 Alberta: The Nanny State Indeed, they considered it necessary in the preamble to the Drug-Endangered Children Act to state categorically that "children exposed to illegal manufacturing of drugs, indoor cannabis operations, trafficking and other forms of illegal drug activity are victims of abuse." That is as wild a claim as it is unsupportable. But the circumstances under which it may be invoked are so broad there is little that can be done to counter its stupidity. Although the preamble suggests that only the really serious stuff is the object of the Act, a child is deemed to be drug-endangered if he or she is "exposed" to illegal substances. That's it. Full stop.

Mar 24, 2008 Reading, Writing And Marijuana In Smithers Schools "There is a serious issue around drugs in our community -- period... And the schools would be a reflection of the community," he said....Cameron was responding to an incident earlier this month when a teenager, described as an upstanding Grade 10 student, was singled out for selling pot to four eighth graders.

Mar 20, 2008 Bill C-26 - Conservative Assault On The Judiciary Our federal Conservative government has a disturbing tendency to circumvent judicial deliberation by imposing upon courts their own authoritarian sense of justice...This supposedly 'tough on crime' strategy embodies the curious mentality with which the Harper Conservatives regard crime: that all transgressions are committed by individuals or groups of individuals, and extenuating circumstances surrounding their offences count little compared to the fact that they are naturally immoral and should be punished.

Mar 7, 2008 A Jolt Of Reality Any parent who puts blind faith in the decisions of their children, especially ones not even in high school yet, is na( ve. Case in point is the recent incident at Tilbury Area Public School where three kids were charged with various drug offences for the alleged possession of marijuana, cocaine and prescription drugs.

Feb 11, 2008 Men Smuggle Pot From U.P. to Canada Two Iowa men pleaded guilty Wednesday to marijuana charges in Canada after they fell through the ice of a partially frozen river while trying to illegally enter the country from Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Feb 8, 2008AB: Periodic Pooch Patrol A Positive Plan Attila Toldy and his police dog, Riff, have been given the go-ahead to start making random rounds at Elk Island Catholic School's ( EICS ) high schools within Strathcona County while kids are in class and out of the halls. Riff's powerful nose can sniff out crack, cocaine, psilocybin ( magic mushrooms ), marijuana and any other form of drug that police want him to.

[The procedure adds to ongoing evidence of creeping fascism with genocidal leanings unless the dog detects tobacco, alcohol,prescription and OTC drugs as well]
Jan 1, 2008 PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana Grow-ops Okay For Kids Re: "Are the kids all right?" News, Dec. 21, 2007. You editorial asks "What kind of a parent would subject toddlers to the dangers of living in a marijuana grow operation?" Why, a parent who has a chronic medical condition and has a licence from Health Canada to set up a so-called "grow-op." Health Canada licenses these so-called "grow-ops" for critically and chronically ill Canadians from coast to coast to coast, and their regulations say nothing about children. When set up properly, home indoor gardens are just as safe as hot tubs. Indoor growing, done properly, is perfectly safe, but a well-crafted propaganda campaign on behalf of anti-marijuana groups ( basically just the police, those experts on medical issues ) seems to have infiltrated the national conversation and the media.


This Soccer Mom Admits She Was Out of Her League at a Marijuana Smokefest Ah, yes, plunk a soccer mom in the midst of a muddy marijuana smokefest and behold her confusion. How many different shaped bongs can there possibly be? Who knew you could smoke a doobie the size of an Arnold Schwarzenegger cigar? And why is that guy inhaling his grass through a gas mask?

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