Current Affairs 2008 - Culture (109 items)
Feb 6, 2008 | ON: Rights body grants hearing to joint smoker An Ontario man who was told he was not allowed to smoke medical marijuana outside a local sports bar has been granted a hearing at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, one of the first cases of its kind in Canadian history.
Steve Gibson, a father of two, is claiming he was discriminated against because of his disability after he was barred from Gator Ted's Tap and Grill in Burlington, Ont., in May, 2005, for smoking marijuana by the restaurant's front door.
Feb 1, 2008 | Understanding the Motivations for Recreational This exploratory qualitative research seeks to better understand both the motives for the
use of marijuana by adult Canadians* and their learned "drug experience" expectancies
through an examination of their subjective experiences with the drug. This neglected area
of research has implications for drug consumption prevention educators and treatment
counselors, particularly those who are wary of "statistical reductionism" and sensitive to
the clinical value of gaining an understanding of the subjective experiences of those who
use and misuse drugs (Feinstein, 1999).
Jan 25, 2008 | The Pot Circus Comes to the Courthouse First the cops took their pot.
Now they want to take their church.
Weed worshippers Walter Tucker and Michael Baldasaro, reverends in the Church of the Universe, were served yesterday with an application by the attorney general to forfeit the Barton Street building the brothers call both home and church. The AG is going after the house worth about $98,000 as "offence-related property" since Tucker and Baldasaro were convicted of selling $70 worth of marijuana to an undercover police officer.
Jan 24, 2008 | BC: Grow-Ops Contributing To The Rental Crunch Marijuana grow operations are a major concern for law-enforcement agencies, but perhaps they should also be troubling to renters. That's because the indoor farming of cannabis-a multibillion-dollar crop in British Columbia-may be contributing the rental crunch. According to police, growers often use rental homes and commercial buildings to avoid damage to their own property.
The City of Vancouver shuts down an average of 300 grow-ops a year, said Carlene Robbins, manager of City Hall's property-use branch.
Jan 17, 2008 | Pot Decision A Good Step Good for Judge Barry Strayer.
Most have probably not heard of the man, but he's the Ontario federal court judge whose recent ruling allows the sick among us to more easily obtain marijuana for medicinal purposes.
No matter your stance on the issue of pot, the facts are it helps many deal with symptoms of diseases and live decidedly more normal lives temporarily free of chronic pain.
About 2,000 Canadians carry prescriptions allowing them to legally purchase the intoxicating weed.
Jan 16, 2008 | Drug Policy Wimps What a bunch of hypocrites our politicians are. Pot is illegal in this country but Ottawa couldn't muster up the effort to close down our most infamous marijuana activist.
It's essentially an admission that our pot laws are ridiculous but we don't have the guts to reform them, despite repeated pleas by various bodies over the years.
By turning a blind eye to Emery's activities, Ottawa has implicitly acknowledged that marijuana use is not a big deal. It's no wonder that, as the Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs noted in 2002, the gap between the law and public compliance has widened.
After all, if Ottawa can't be bothered prosecuting a big fish like Emery, why should ordinary Canadians respect the law?
Jan 9, 2008 | The Prince of Pot Deserves B.C. Support Emery is scheduled for an extradition hearing Jan. 21. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency wants to take him across the border and try him on charges relating to the marijuana seed business he ran flagrantly and successfully in Vancouver for years.
Jan 8, 2008 | Why Is Canada Copying Failure? Author: Larry Campbell: Is there really anyone anywhere in Canada who believes that U.S. drug policies are working? Or that they are deserving of being copied here?
This is the direction Prime Minister Stephen Harper would have us go.
More prisons and more people in prisons has not worked for our southern neighbours, and there is no logic behind the move to increase criminal penalties for drugs.
| This Soccer Mom Admits She Was Out of Her League at a Marijuana Smokefest Ah, yes, plunk a soccer mom in the midst of a muddy marijuana smokefest and behold her confusion. How many different shaped bongs can there possibly be? Who knew you could smoke a doobie the size of an Arnold Schwarzenegger cigar? And why is that guy inhaling his grass through a gas mask?