
Product Information

hempty is an organically grown, non-genetically engineered, wild-crafted, hand-picked herbal hemp tea with no additives or preservatives. The THC content is less than the legal 0.03% , so anyone would be comfortable imbibing and thus deriving the wonderful benefits from this green herbal tea.

It has been field tested for a full year to members of compassion societies and contains a similar phenolic profile to green tea plus elemental nutrients like magnesium and iron.

hempty also contains the beneficial CBN's and CBD's, the non-psychoactive cannibinoids in cannabis, without the "high" of THC, so many find it's relaxing properties enhances their quality of life.

Through careful attention to quality, hempty has a flavour that will not be matched by imitations that will eventually follow.

The benefits of green tea

The Cannabis Link


Last Modified:Sunday, 31-Jan-2010 09:08:58 PST