The hempty Campaign

Welcome to a world premiere as hemp debuts in a new way...

Hempty Store

hempty is slightly ahead of it's time although it arrives on the scene several years after hemp was legalized in Canada.

Most hemp products are in the form of clothing, oils, lotions etc., but hempty boldly expands the uses of the hemp plant to include a non-genetically engineered, wild-crafted, hand-picked, herbal tea with no additives or preservatives .

Hemp grown without a license (no one needs a license to grow corn or wheat) is not permitted and hemp leaves for tea are considered illegal, so hempty is considered a banned substance. BUT, people who can think for themselves realize prosecuting people for drinking hemp tea with less than the legally allowed 0.3% THC would bring justice into disrepute, especially since hemp has been growing wild for decades.

Only through grass-roots action and participation will enough pressure be applied before the concerns of voters/consumers are heard. Support from environmental, union, consumer, alternative medicine/therapy advocacy groups for legal hemp products will change the situation.

Friends of hempty

The Cannabis Link
Vancouver Compassion Club
The OpenMinder
Healing Herb Festival
The Ohio Hempery
The Media Awareness Project
Renee Boje's Web Page
Lost Art Naturals
Marijuana - The Forbidden Medicine


The Cannabis Link


Last Modified:Thursday, 21-Feb-2002 13:42:37 PST