Current Affairs 2005 - Reform (115 items)
Jan 13, 2005 | PUB LTE: Schools Make Drugs Cool Parents are right to be slamming the failed drug policy employed not only in our schools, but in our whole society. Making drugs an "evil taboo" just adds to it's allure and it's "cool."
Jan 13, 2005 | CN AB: Who Let The Dogs Into Our Schools? Maybe I'm hopelessly old-fashioned, but I don't see how bringing drug-sniffing dogs into high schools can be called "extremely positive."
Jan 12, 2005 | Who's Paranoid? In strict medical terms, marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly eat. Cigarettes kill. Marijuana doesn't. And by the way, there is not a single study that says second-hand marijuana smoke causes cancer.
Jan 12, 2005 | Sex Pot In fact, one study of Jamaican women who had smoked pot throughout pregnancy found that their babies actually registered higher on developmental scores at the age of 30 days, while experiencing no significant effects on birth weight or length.
Jan 12, 2005 | CN AB: Students Have Right To Privacy It makes me shudder how easily most Canadians give up their basic democratic freedoms.
Jan 12, 2005 | PUB LTE: Pot Report Old News f the statistics and focus groups prove anything, it is that criminalization is less effective than education. If the resources spent to prohibit pot use were redirected to educate and regulate, fewer teens would experiment because they would understand the ris
Jan 10, 2005 | PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana: More Legal Cannabis Users About 8,000 Canadians get their organic, multiple-strain, multiple-delivery-option, medical-grade marijuana from compassion clubs across the country, all at no expense to the taxpayers. Meanwhile, Health Canada supplies their single-strain, gamma-irradiated, chemically-contaminated, mulch-pot to only 93 of the 753 Canadians currently licensed to possess cannabis.
Jan 10, 2005 | PUB LTE: Pot Busts Only Making Mary Jane Matters Worse Prohibition does not keep society safe from drugs. It does guarantee lifetime employment to those doing the prohibiting. Along with a reliable source of dirty money to any drug warrior so inclined.
Jan 10, 2005 | PUB LTE: Cops Want The Drug War To Continue The drug war has been going on for decades and there is no sign the tide will turn any time soon.
Jan 7, 2005 | CN BC: PUB LTE: Misconceptions About Marijuana No matter what Amy van Elk's, or anyone else's opinions about marijuana may be, the bottom line is that our current system of prohibition is failing to achieve any of its stated goals of reducing use, abuse, harm, and crime.
Jan 6, 2005 | PUB LTE: This Just In: Weed, Like,Totally Expands Your Mind .... marijuana is not toxic like other drugs people use. No one has ever overdosed on marijuana and died.
Jan 5, 2005 | PUB LTE: The Biggest News Story Some newspapers have decided the sponsorship scandal is the biggest Canadian news of 2004. Although the sponsorship scandal is pretty big news, we need to put it into perspective. ...To many, a much bigger story of government mismanagement is still the colossal failure of the war on drugs.
Jan 4, 2005 | CN BC: Police Get Nod For Silly Raid, Translink Ranks As Dumbest "This raid is not going to put these sorts of operations out of business. Marijuana is being sold under the counter all over this city and Da Kine's Caf,'s main mistake was that they were quite public about how they were in fact doing it," said BCCLA president John Russell. "The war on marijuana is over and the police have lost it."
Jan 4, 2005 | Drug Prohibition Is A Terrorist's Best Friend There is little doubt that terrorist groups around the world profit from the drug trade. What anti-drug crusaders refuse to acknowledge, however, is that the connection between drug trafficking and terrorism is the direct result of making drugs illegal.
Jan 3, 2005 | CN ON: The Dangers Of Surveillance If the trend toward more surveillance equipment in schools continues, it could create a furtive, suspicious and alienated generation of Ontarians.