"Canadian trends, information and resources connected to cannabis"


Go to Site Guide

(Go directly to Current Affairs and Links pages for updates of those sections, and DAILY updates of the News section)

March 14, 2025

There are many sections of News now: business, youth, medical, legal, etc., and many more are being added.

March 10, 2025

News articles from 2024 and 2025 have been added to the News section. A Business News section was also added

March 4, 2025

It has been a very long time in the making, but finally has a facelift and his mobile friendly. All the redundant links have been removed or updated with current ones.

June 22, 2018

The LEGISLATIVE TIME-LINES page has been updated for the cannabis section.

August 24, 2016

The new Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) is top links in the Medical Section

March 21, 2014

A big win for licensed medical cannabis producers in a Court decision today is posted to the Legal section

Allard V. HMQ March 21, 2014 (the MMAR/MMPR issue)

Oct 12, 2012

Except for the daily newsfeed and Current Affairs, CannabisLink has not been really updated very much for a couple of reasons. When CannabisLink was created over a decade ago, there were only two or three Canadian cannabis sites on the net, and this was the only site I worked on. Today there are hundreds of sites, and also I now work on many sites, so that combination is responsible for stagnation on this site.

Despite all this, CannabisLink still gets thousands of visitors each month and emails offering encouragement and support which motivates me to breath new life into it.

The Links page has been updated and non-functioning links have been removed. This will be done for each section, then updates will commence.

Arrest Stats: This page has been updated and is much more complete.

Lastly, much of the code is getting dated, and porting the site into a CMS may be in the works.

Oct 28, 2009

MAP RSS Canadian Cannabis news feeds are now offered from the homepage and the News section of the site.

Sept 26, 2008

Do 68% of Canadians use cannabis? New page added: 68 Percent ?.

May 25, 2008

Must See Video about Natural Health Products. Although this video has been on the web for several years, the urgency of the message as we face Bill C-51 is still timely.

May 10, 2008

A RCMP Report, "Responding To Organized Crime In Canada: The Role of Media and Social Marketing Campaigns" 2005, [PDF] has been added to the Police section for the following reasons:

Anti-Drug Initiatives

The September 2002 report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs allocated a full chapter to Canadians' opinions and attitudes, the results of which help answer the question: "Where do Canadian media stand on drugs today?" A summary analysis was done by who also did a partial review of the press coverage of drugs in Canada and compared their analysis to that of the Senate's work on public attitudes and opinions.47 They looked at news, feature stories and editorials related to criminality. They found that most news stories on illegal drugs focus on police operations. They concluded that, while they did not know how this information helps shape public opinions on drugs or what impact it has on the public's demands concerning drugs, these articles may give people the impression that the "drug problem" is first, and foremost, an organized crime problem.

January 16, 2008

A new legal paper added to Legal -> Canadian Legal Cases - Hon. Barry Stayer (Carousel Harvest Judgement)

July 20, 2007

The court decision, R. Vs. Long, that declared the cannabis possession law unconstitutional (again)

December 3, 2006

A cannabis and driving video demonstration has been added to the Driving Studies section of the Medical page. Check out the video here

October 27, 2006

The Supreme Court of Canada vs Grant Krieger (jury nullification) decision has been added to the Legal Cases.

The total number of cannabis offences for 2005 have been added to the Arrest Stats in the Legal section.

May 22, 2006

View Promo PopUp Or Page

March 8, 2006

Rather than look like an episode of Survivor, links to Seed Banks will be closed until further notice.

January 6, 2006

Some broken links have been fixed, and other pages streamlined.

January 29, 2005

The Current Affairs section is being upgraded for 2005 so the top news in any specific focus is a click away. The archiving is still under construction, and the design and content could change with further development, but TopickMaster 1.0 beta is ready for testing. It is fully integrated with the MAP archive, but uses any source required.

January 15, 2005

MEDIA 2004: A comprehensive look at media headlines in 2004, sorted by various factors, gives a great overview of how cannabis prohibition plays out in the media.

November 21, 2004

Updated: Emily Murphy - Emily's Paradox

November 15, 2004

Updated: Highlights: Final Report of the Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs - Links to each chapter highlight have now been included for easier navigation.

October 15, 2004

A new resource link has been added to the Legal section: All cases that contain the word "marihuana" from the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CANLII) (960 as of Oct/04).

August 11, 2004

The cannabis "crime" statistics for 2003 have been added to the Legal section.

July 15, 2004

The Links page has been upgraded with sorting functionality and updated. By far, the largest collection of Canadian links on the net!

July 6, 2004

Legal Section: Cannabis arrests for 2002 and other relevant data and links were added.

May 24, 2004

Medical Section: Added - Medical errors kill thousands annually: Study (while cannabis kills no one)

March 15, 2004

This "What's New" page is being updated! New additions to the site in the last several months include:

- Bill C10 First Reading is in the Government Section
- Krieger court documents, Supreme Court decision, and new statistics have been added to the Legal Section
-The Police section was updated with new documents, links and references.
-The Links page has new links added with more to come...

October 20, 2003

Links to all the Ontario Court of Appeal cases (Oct.7/03) and R.v.Graham & Parks ("Abuse of Process" ruling) were added to the Legal section.

July 2, 2003

The Campaigns section has (finally!) been updated.

June 21, 2003

The Krieger Appeal has been added to the Legal Section.

May 27, 2003

Added to the Government Section: Bill C-38 (Cannabis Reform Bill)
First Reading May 27, 2003

May 18, 2003

Judge Rogin's Judgment has been added to the Legal section :

May 16, 2003

A link to DrugSense Bot: Breaking Canadian News has been added in the News section. Bot tracks breaking Canadian drug news. (cannabis, medical marijuana, hemp, harm reduction, and general drug) Updates every 15 minutes.

May 10, 2003

Police Section addition: Police Deception

January 24 , 2003

Cannabis arrest statistics have been updated for 1996-2001 in the Legal section.

A compilation of Canadian Compassion Club Rulings has also been added.

January 8 , 2003

The Windsor, Ont. Ruling that invalidated prohibition is on-line in the Legal section.

January 3, 2003

In effort to keep up with the many updates and to keep all links to new sections current, only one homepage will be maintained. Please refresh pages to ensure the latest link is being cached.

January 2, 2003

A report on the media: Cannabis and Canada: Year 2002 in Review

November 26, 2002

The Supreme Court of Canada Agenda pertaining to the three cannabis test cases has been added to the Legal Section.

October 17, 2002

Added to the Media page:

Report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs:
Chapter 10 - Canadians' Opinions and Attitudes

U.S.A. v. Licht - The 'DEA conduct in Canada' case, has been added to the Legal Cases and other pertinent parts of the site.

The USA section was updated and earlier material was added.

September 20, 2002

Added to the Media page: Mainstream Media: The Drug War Shills by Michael Levine

Everything you need to know about mainstream media's vital role in perpetuating our (U.S.) nation's three-decade, trillion dollar War on Drugs despite overwhelming evidence that it is a fraud you can learn by watching a Three Card Monty Operation.

September 9, 2002

A Police section has been added to the site to contain information related to this special interest group.

For perspective on getting laws changed in Canada - "How long does it take: Legislative time-line comparisons" gives a brief analysis.

September 4, 2002

The Final Report of the Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs has been added to the Senate Committe section of the Government directory.

August 23, 2002

The Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC) 2002 SPECIAL REPORT - Operations GREENSWEEP I & II has been added to the page Operation Greensweep.

August 19, 2002

A letter outling the victories that have been won by compassion clubs has been added to the Diary section

August 9, 2002 - USA Section updated.

August 2, 2002

Learn about a real way for any Canadian taxpayer to make an after-tax personal profit from protesting the prohibition of pot.

Another historic court decision is now available in the Legal section.

July 5, 2002

Another significant court ruling involving Philippe Lucas, Director of the Vancouver Island Compassion Society, has been added to the Legal section.

June 6, 2002

The British Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting in Glasgow has been added to the articles in the Medical section.

"The Masses vs. The Media" from Narco News has been added to the Media section

May 26, 2002

The Medical section has been updated with some new links added.

May 17, 2002

The USA page has been updated and branched off into a new section in anticipation of much growth in this area.

Current Affairs updates:

May 10, 2002
May 2, 2002
April 18, 2002
April 17, 2002

April 9, 2002

Terry Parker filed his counter-motion for remedy A, a declaration that the prohibition of marijuana in the CDSA is of no force and effect because the new Marijuana Medical Access Regulations are too hard to comply with the ruling of the court.

See: Current Affairs page for more info.

April 1, 2002

Additions and changes to the site:

  • Improved navigational bar
  • Debate in the House of Commons on C-344, the Bill to decriminalize cannabis that took place Feb. 18 has been added to the Government section.
  • Top news stories have been expanded to include more titles.
  • Current Affairs has been updated and moved to a seperate page.
  • A new section called "Papers" has been added to include papers written by yours truly :-)
  • New links have been added to the Links page
  • Various other little changes and additions too numerous to mention throughout the site - Page updates are logged on the Site Guide page.

March 7, 2002

A very well documented and referenced article entitled "Cannabis tar doesnt kill" has been added under Articles in the Medical section.

March 2, 2002

A new study on long-term medicinal cannabis use entitiled, "Chronic Cannabis Use in the Compassionate Investigational New Drug Program: An Examination of Benefits and Adverse Effects of Legal Clinical Cannabis " by Ethan Russo et. al. is now available in the Medical Section under Articles.

The Media section is now linked in the Site Guide.

Feb 21, 2002 now has it's own domain name thanks to the generosity of DrugSense.

Feb 7, 2002

The historic Grant. W. Krieger legal decision has been added to the legal cases in the Legal section.

Feb 1, 2002

There have been many updates and new pages added:

HOMEPAGE: has been updated with new content.

LEGAL SECTION: historical arrest statistics, dating from when prohibition began to the present, have been added. Notice of "Operation Green Sweep" has beed added to Current Affairs.


OPERATION GREEN SWEEP: has been created to chronicle this modern day tale of a medieval inquisition.

U.S. SECTION - [In progress] Relevant information about exported US drug policy.

DIARIES - where older material and previous homepage content (beginning 2002) will be kept.

January 28, 2002

More sites have been added to The Links/Directory and a link to a larger map of Canada replaces the image for faster loading.

January 24, 2002

The Links/Directory page has been updated to include an in-page navigation system to manage the many links that have accumulated. A map of Canada has also been added to the page to help locate various enterprises.

January 16, 2002

Pages have been updated in many sections - Legal, Medical, Links, homepage... and more cross-references have been added.

The Cannabis Link provides full coverage of all news articles posted to the website.

January 15, 2002

The homepage and Current Affairs section reflect the cabinet shuffle which occured in the House of Commons today.

January 9, 2002

Added to the Government section Natural Health Products:

The proposed Regulations posted in the Canada Gazette Pt. 1 which will undergo a formal 90-day consultation period.

January 1, 2002

The homepage has been updated and the site has undergone some cosmetic changes which are ongoing to enhance browser compatibility.

November 25, 2001

Canadian arrest figures for cannabis offences has been added to the Legal section for easy reference.

November 16, 2001

Excerpts from the Parliamentary debate on Bill C-344, an act to amend the Contraventions Act and the Controlled Drug Substances Act (marijuana) to decriminalize small amounts of cannabis, has been added to the Government section of the site.

November 7, 2001

Added to News and Current Affairs: Private Member's Bill C-344 that provides for the decriminalization of marijuana by introducing a system of fines for simple possession began debate in the House of Commons today.

October 22, 2001

News items are now being fed through a customized feed to eliminate truncated stories in CANNABIS AND CANADA: THE YEAR 2000 IN REVIEW and other news sources throughout the site. A big thanks to Matt Elrod for his help!

September 29, 2001

Dr. Andrew Weil's Address to UBC Medical Students has been added to the Medical section under Natural Medicine. Although like many articles, it does not deal specifically with cannabis , but with herbs in general. Anything to do with herbs, applies to cannabis.

September 21, 2001

The comphrensive links/directory has been updated and some new links added. New links include the Possession and Cultivation Calculator for those applying for medical marijuana to calculate the amount of plants allowed and the Office of Medical Cannabis Access.

August 8, 2001

Application forms and guides for those wishing to legally grow and possess cannabis for medicinal purposes are now available in the Government section.

July 19, 2001

The Marihuana Medical Access Regulations published in the Canada Gazette on June 14/01 has been added to the Government section.

July 18, 2001

A newsfeed of the top Canadian cannabis stories has been added to the News and Current Affairs section.

May 30, 2001

There have been new links added to the Medical section, Legal section and the Links/Directory. Please note the Montreal Compassion Club now has a website under development and the link has been added in the Directory.

Also, the News section has been revamped and Current Affairs has been added to that page to keep pace with everything that is going on in Canada right now.

April 24, 2001

A new section has been added to the Links/Directory page for Canadian seed banks and new legal cases are being added to the Legal section.

April 9, 2001

The links/directory page has new links added, and the press release and the new regulations for access to medicinal cannabis have been added to the Government section. Canadians have 30 days to view the new regulations and provide input. More more info on this: .

March 18, 2001

The web site is in the process of receiving a facelift, and a new section entitled "Legal" which links to significant court rulings and documents has been added. Check the updates section for updated pages.

January 5, 2001

A new page, Cannabis and Canada: The Year 2000 in Review, has been added which provides a glimpse, based on newspaper articles, of what transpired throughout the year and why.

December 11, 2000

Welcome to The Cannabis Link , an informative site that focuses on Canadian trends, education, information and resources connected to cannabis. The content is still being developed and broken links will be working asap.