"Canadian trends, information and resources connected to cannabis"

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In This Section:



  1. Government Reintroduces Marijuana Bill
  2. Pot Bill Bans Police Sharing Of Info Abroad.
  3. Pot Bill Goes Up In Smoke On Last Day To Pass
  4. Cities Pushing For Their Share Of Crime Proceeds  Federally, the assets can be seized through proceeds of crime legislation enacted in 1989.  Usually, the criminal code offenses are drug-related, and a small portion is shared with the provinces to help cover policing costs.
  5. Liberals Unveil Pot Bill for Second Time
  6. Hiebert Rejects Lenient Pot Bill

An Election Issue

  1. Marijuana Use Persistent, Recurring Issue  The Vancouver Sun will focus on an issue important to British Columbians every day during the campaign.  Today we look at how the political parties wrestle with reforming laws related to marijuana. 
  2. NDP Have High Hopes for Marijuana Advocate    Beyond the NDP view of medicinal marijuana, Myrden was impressed by party leader Jack Layton, and the party's advocacy of same-sex marriage and a clean, sustainable environment.
  3. Marijuana Party Gets Campaign Rolling With Seed
  4. Pot Infighting On The Campaign Trail
  5. Cannabis Leaflet Has NDP Smoking Mad.
  6. Frightening Hypocrisy
  7. Tory Government Would Be A Step Back For Canada's Drug Policy ,  The Senlis Council argued a Conservative government would not support harm reduction policies, nor would it decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. 
  8. Michael Moore hopes Canada doesn't vote Conservative
  9.  Nader appeals to Cdns not to vote Conservative
  10.  Tory 'Sentencing Reform' Would Lead To More Injustice  Two of the five proposals under this heading are proposals for mandatory sentences.  A third proposal would prevent a judge from imposing a conditional sentence -- house arrest -- for certain categories of
  11. Shut Out When Smoke Clears
  12. Baldasaro Steps Into City's Political Spotlight One More Time

Courts and Legal Data:

  1. Driver In Deadly Crash Not Guilty Of Driving While Influenced By Pot A young Langley man was convicted yesterday of dangerous driving causing the deaths of two 16-year-old passengers, but was acquitted of driving under the influence of marijuana.
  2. Pot Party's Leader Pledges Constitutional Challenge  ... plans to contest the constitutionality of the country's pot laws... it was coincidence his court appearance took place during the federal election ...
  3. 'Pockets Are Private,' Supreme Court Rules Police can no longer go on "fishing expeditions" by searching people they stop on the street without reasonable grounds to suspect that they pose a safety threat...
  4. Top Court Asked To Revisit Key Pot Ruling 
  5. Supreme Court Limits Search Of Suspects Supreme Court says its decision speaks for itself and won't be expanded on.
  6. Surveillance Method Ruled Unconstitutional, so none of the evidence presented by the prosecution was admissible as the RCMP had infringed on the defendants' rights against unreasonable search and seizure....while the prosecution brought forward 72 phone calls they deemed relevant to the case, the RCMP recorded about 16,000 phone calls over a five-month period. "This is not walking on a technicality,"
  7. Court Gives Green Light On Infrared
  8. Charges Dropped Against Marijuana 'Compassion Club'
  9. Medicinal Marijuana Argument Fails to Sway Red Deer Court
  10. Search of Car Containing 22 Pounds of Pot Violated Charter  Police cannot detain someone simply because they fit the so-called "profile" of a drug courier, the Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled. 
  11. Marijuana Trafficking Charges Dismissed Against Two Men 
  12. Drug Charges Stick Despite Illegal Arrest
  13. Judge Has Mind Of Her Own On Pot Sentence pot grower a stiffer sentence than even the Crown prosecutor had asked for.
  14. 'Wreak Beach Pin-up' Acquitted Of Trafficking In Pot-Laced Cookies
  15. Courts Asked to Wait for Marijuana Decriminalization
  16. Major Marijuana Charges Dismissed After Key Mix-up
  17. Drug Charges Laid Against Basi The former ministerial aide who was a focus of December's police raids on the B.C.  legislature was charged Wednesday with two drug offences. Remember the raids on the BC legislature in December 2003? There was some movement, but still no answers.
  18. Former Collins Aide To Appear In Court On Marijuana
  19. Marijuana Party Candidate Takes Police To Court For Seizure Of Growing Equipment
  20. Few Drug Users Going To Jail, Statscan Finds but even 12-per-cent of adults is too many ending up in prison for a victimless crime so lawmakers can send a message to children.
  21. Majority Of Drug Busts Target Small Fry Of 93,000 Incidents In 2002, More Than Half Are Pot Possession
  22. Drug Busts Just Tip Of Iceberg , "These are drugs that don't make it to the streets.  ...  The only scary part is the more we're finding, the more we know we're only scratching the surface
  23. Prison Locked Down after Marijuana Find 2.5 ounces of marijuana in the exercise yard