"Canadian trends, information and resources connected to cannabis"

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In This Section:


  1. Why Do Teens Turn To Sex, Booze And Drugs?
  2. Nagging Leads Teens To Drugs, Says Study
  3. Canadian Kids Fat, Lazy Weed Smokers: Report
  4. Defiant Teens Join Pot Rally
  5. Teenage Drug Smugglers Will Be 'Hammered' "When we get juveniles . . . we're going to hammer them to send a message that it's not a game," Whatcom County juvenile prosecutor Tom Verge said
  6. Weed-Selling Teen Gets Jail Term An 18-year-old caught selling drugs at a school dance was ordered to serve 90 days in jail Thursday.
  7. Students Heading For Ski Hill Confined To Bus For Nine Hours During Drug Search
  8. Are Our Teens Afraid of Taking a Chance?
  9. Drug Dogs Would Cost Schools If Surrey school trustees want drug dogs to sniff school lockers, they'll have to hire a private security firm at a cost of roughly $50,000 a year because the RCMP can't spare the officers or canines.
  10. Teachers Now Fine With DARE Program
  11. Dare Dance Cancelled The fundraising dance for the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, scheduled for March 13 at the Royal Canadian Legion in Langford, was canceled due to lack of ticket sales.
  12.  Teens Die after Inhaling Butane
  13. Teens Getting High On Flower Seeds
  14. OPP Issue Jimson Weed Warning
  15. Teens Spurn Tobacco, Embrace Pot More Adolescents Smoke Pot In Canada Than Anywhere Else In The World
  16. School Board Lobbys To Keep Pot Illegal
  17. 'Just Say No' Just Doesn't Work
  18. Dogs To Sniff School Lockers
  19. Drug Dogs In Schools The government has entered into a $100,000 agreement with the Mounties to use the dogs to search jails across the province on a random basis.
  20. Drug Cops Sweep Schools
  21. Police Find Drugs At All High Schools
  22. Random School Locker Searches Invasive And Unreasonable Now, a Fraser Valley school district plans to let privately-trained sniffing dogs loose in the corridors of Abbotsford schools in a bid to flush out drugs kids may have stashed in personal belongings stored in their lockers. Annually, the canine initiative could cost upwards of $50,000.
  23. Unjustified Raids Abuse Students' Rights



  1. Ashcroft Visits Ottawa This Week To Talk Trafficking In Guns, Drugs On his last trip to Canada in July, 2002, Mr. Ashcroft told a gathering in Banff, Alta., he would like to see Canada loosen restrictions to allow armed U.S. law enforcement officers to pursue suspects in Canada. Canadian officials rebuffed the proposal.
  2. FBI Official Wants Canada To Adopt Strict Wiretapping it would be "desirable" for Canada to give police and spy agencies authority to tap citizen's private e-mail and Internet-driven phone calls, and compel cellphone and Internet service providers to make equipment easier to tap.
  3. US Uses Anti-terror Law Against BC Pot Suspects
  4. US Uses Drug Law Against BC Lumber Importers
  5. Relaxed Pot Laws Alarm U.S. Report From President Bush Warns Congress of Link to Organized Crime
  6. President Tells Harper, But Not Reporters, Looser Pot Laws Will Affect Border Crossings
  7. US Expands Border Patrol To Counter BC 'Threats' Aircraft And Boats To Scan Area Within 400-Km Radius Of Bellingham "Intelligence indicates there is a threat up there [in Canada] that needs to be responded to, so we're providing the air and marine capability to respond to that, in support of both U.S. and Canadian authorities,"
  8. Canuck Marijuana Law May Clog Border
  9. Pot Bill Could Mean Trade Slowdown - Congressman An influential U.S. Congressman Mark Souder is predicting a trade slowdown if Canada decriminalizes marijuana possession.
  10. Pot Law Will Snarl U.S. Border, Says Envoy Paul Cellucci said the bill, if implemented, would leave the impression pot is easier to obtain in Canada, which would put U.S. Customs officers on high alert for smugglers. [So he's been saying for over a year: May 02 2003: US Ambassador Warns Of Longer Border Lineups]
  11. US Bounty Hunters 'Just Can't Do That' bounty hunters face charges of forcible confinement and kidnapping and are being investigated by U.S officials for making false statements to a federal border agent.Though it's nearly non-existent in Canada, bounty hunting is a lucrative industry in the U.S. Thousands of bounty hunters track down fugitives who skip out on court hearings.
  12. OPP Set To Charge Bounty Hunters Attorney General Asked To Start Extradition Process
  13. Canada 'Sells US High-Grade Pot'  [Actually anyone in the US with a light and seeds can grow high grade pot at home - and they do]
  14. Mexico Top Pot Supplier to U.S. - RCMP The RCMP's annual assessment of the drug situation in Canada, citing the latest seizure statistics, points out that most U.S.  marijuana is homegrown or smuggled in from Mexico
  15. Pot Cafe A High-Volume Dealer, Say Police [Liquor stores, bars, pharmacies and hospitals are all high volume drug dealers too - just depends on how you want to spin it]
  16. Fox Warns Americans About 'Vansterdam'
  17. flow of potent, pricey, brand-name marijuana
  18. A Trip To 'Vansterdam' Source: Oregonian, The (Portland, OR)
  19. U.S. Pot Activist Waits on Appeal  Steve wanted Canada to grant him refugee status because he claims he would be persecuted for his medical pot use in the United States.
  20. Uptight Yanks Should Chill Out About Pot
  21. Pot Not A Pressing Problem Canada and the United States have many more important problems that they need to work out. If the differences over marijuana can be put in perspective, there need be no increase in problems at the border or diplomatic difficulties in the capitals.
  22. The Conventional Wisdom on 'Marihuana' Is Wrong Claims by politicians and police that we need tougher drug-law enforcement to stop Canadian marijuana flooding the United States have become pretty much conventional wisdom. It's time that changed.
  23. Bubbles, Julian, Ricky
  24. Cellucci Is Just Blowing Smoke
  25. Pot Warning Ignored: PM Rejects American's Threat Firstly, the legislation is before the House of Commons, then the parliamentary committee will have its discussions on all the various points, and we'll wait to see the legislation that comes from that.
  26. Pot Law No Threat To US In a meeting with the National Post's editorial board this week, the U.S. ambassador ... expressed serious misgivings about Ottawa's plan to make the possession of small amounts of marijuana a non-criminal offence, punishable by a fine rather than jail time. That would put U.S. customs officers on high alert for smugglers, further snarling lineups at the border and interfering with trade. "Why," he asked plaintively, "when we're trying to take pressure off the border, would Canada pass a law putting pressure on the border?"