"Canadian trends, information and resources connected to cannabis"

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Government Program:
  1. Medical Marijuana: Why - and How Health Canada's plans to explore the distribution of cannabis through pharmacies. Is this plan really in the best interest of Canada's 700 or so legal users?
  2. Epilepsy, MS Patients Trying Marijuana for Symptoms Canadians with epilepsy and multiple sclerosis are turning to marijuana to help with their symptoms, two new studies have found, and some say they find it effective.
  3. Feds' Pot: $15,000 Per Ounce An estimating $4.5 million has been spent so far to grow the government supplied cannabis. As of March 31, the Office of Cannabis Medical Access had sent out 295 oz. of cannabis to 93 legal users.
  4. Medical Pot Not Up to Snuff Unless the government learns to grow better dope, a proposal to distribute Health Canada marijuana in pharmacies will go up in smoke, say local medical marijuana advocates.
  5. 31% of Federal Marijuana Returned Unsmoked Mr. Lucas, director of Canadians for Safe Access, said tests commissioned by his lobby group have found the federal product contains only 5.1 per cent THC rather than the 10.2 per cent claimed by Health Canada.
  6. Patients Spurning New Batch of 'Stronger' Health Canada Marijuana Health Canada says the new batch is 12 per cent THC, plus or minus 1.5 percentage points, has fewer leaves and twigs and more flowering tops, making it a purer smoke.
  7. Post Office Refuses To Ship Legal Marijuana ....according to Canada Post spokesman John Caines, the package will not be delivered because it contains a controlled substance.
  8. Reliable Pot Supplier Hard To Find   It was big news when the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2001 that the government could not stand in the way of Canadian citizens using marijuana to ease the pain and symptoms of certain chronic or terminal illnesses. While the publicity has died down, the reality of obtaining a reliable supply of quality marijuana has remained the same for several thousand Canadians granted an exemption under Health Canada's Medical Marijuana Access Regulations.
  9. Pot Users Sought For Study Montreal's McGill University is heading a year-long, Canada-wide study on the safety of cannabis used for medical purposes. The study will follow 1,400 patients with chronic pain, including 350 who already use pot as part of their therapy.
  10. Medicinal Pot May Soon Be In Drugstores    Officials from Health Canada met behind closed doors yesterday with pharmacists, medical experts, police and medicinal pot users to discuss access to medicinal marijuana.
  11. Druggists Anxious To Get Into Pot Business "Both our representative bodies, the College of Pharmacists of B.C. and the B.C. Pharmacy Association, are very much in favour of doing this," ... 80 per cent of local pharmacists support pharmacies distributing medical marijuana.
  12. Approval For Cannabis Spray Sought In Canada Pharmaceutical giant Bayer announced yesterday that it has applied to Health Canada for permission to market the drug Sativex medicinal mouth spray. It would be the first prescription drug that uses real marijuana extracts and not a synthesized form, according to its proponents.
  13. NDP Pharmacare Plan Gone To Pot? . The NDP leader said marijuana that's required as medication to help people suffering from AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses might be eligible under his proposed national drug program.
  14. Hopes High For Legal Pot Business Growing pot is a growing business for a Vancouver Island couple -- and they want to help others get into the same line of work.
  15. New Policy Hurting Legal Grow-op Health Canada's monopoly on medicinal pot means the ill can't get the weed they need, say pot growers and two of their customers. Eric Nash and Wendy Little run Island Harvest in the Cowichan Valley, supplying medical marijuana to 40 clients across Canada.
  16. Moses Pushes MuchMarijuana  He's the main backer of Cannasat, a company looking to get it's own brand of pot into pharmacies in Canada and thus become part of the multi-kajillion-dollar pharmaceuticals industry.
  17. Town Backs Away From Pot-Grower's Plan - Carasel Harvest
  18. Grass Tax Grab The feds won't give financially strapped med grass users a tax break, but that doesn't stop them from collecting a grass sales tax from sellers. Talk about lack of a coherent policy.
Legal Problems:
  1. Dying Man Convicted For Growing Pot  A Red Deer, Alberta  man who needs to smoke marijuana in order to eat food because of a terminal disease was convicted of growing marijuana
  2. Friend Grew Pot For Dying Man Sudbury, Ont - A man who says he grew marijuana to help his dying friend was spared jail time Tuesday.
  3. Decorated Soldier Tires Of Pot Fight Nova Scotia - Mr.  Wilson wasn't apologetic earlier this month when he admitted he didn't know how long he could survive fighting the justice system for the right to use marijuana as medicine.
  4. Marijuana Law Faces Another Challenge  A West Quebec man will finally get his day in court after battling the legal system for years.  Johnny Dupuis will go on trial Tuesday for a five-year-old charge of possessing marijuana.
  5. MS Sufferer Battles to Get Cannabis  It's the only thing that makes life bearable, but it has made Jillian a criminal.
  6. Medicinal Marijuana Argument Fails to Sway Red Deer Court... convicted of growing marijuana last month and given an 18-month conditional sentence. He testified that he has hepatitis C and needs marijuana to give him an appetite. Without it, he will get sick, he said last month.
  7. Medical Pot Viewed As Community Issue Justice David Vickers  "We seem to be content" to let the criminal justice deal with an issue that would be more effectively addressed with a community medical program.  "This is another one of those cases where the medical issues have become enmeshed with the criminal justice system,"
  8. Medical Marijuana Fight Heating Up  A disabled man in southeastern B.C.  who wants to grow his own medical marijuana has been granted a hearing by the B.C.  Human Rights Tribunal.
  9. Youngs Lose Fight to Smoke Marijuana in CRD Housing He has an exemption from Health Canada that allows him to use marijuana and allows his wife to grow it for his use. However, the exemption did not protect the couple from being evicted over the pungent aroma produced by the burning weed.
  10. Court Backs Pot Growers  A judge has ordered Toronto Police to return hydroponic marijuana growing equipment to two growers operated a compassion club by tomorrow.
  11. Police Not Charging Pot Grower Nova Scotia -  RCMP said the owner suffers from a serious illness and is trying to get medicinal marijuana in consultation with a doctor... Police seized the plants and will have them destroyed.
Other Quality of Life Issues:
  1. Thieves Looking For Medicinal Marijuana Threaten  Two people were terrorized inside their Chilliwack, BC home by thieves looking for medicinal marijuana.
  2. Drug Stigma Makes For Painful Death Even when they're dying, some patients are hesitant to take medical marijuana because they fear getting into trouble with the law or becoming addicted